The series revolves around a fictional Hong Kong senior counsel named Tony Cheung. Senior Counsel Cheung is well known for winning 31 legal cases in a row but is also notorious in legal circles for his unsavoury (but ethical) tactics. His focus on his legal career has also alienated family members and anyone romantically involved. When his colleague gets involved with an unscrupulous businessman, he begins to rediscover the lost idealism and righteousness of his youth.
Chicago P.D. (Season 10) (2022)
The Bravest (2019)
Jade's Fateful Love (2024)
The In Between (2022)
True Blood (Season 4) (2011)
Duty After School (2023)
Little Thirteen (2012)
Lucifer (Season 2) (2016)
By the Sea (2015)
Ostře sledované vlaky (1966)
A Shop for Killers (2024)
仙君有劫 (2024)
One Piece (Luffy) (1999)
The Song of Glory (2020)
Kan Cicekleri (2022)
Inuyasha (2000)
Shugo Chara! (2007)
Naruto Shippuuden (2007)
Beautiful Reborn Flower (2020)
Game Changer (2021)
The Legend of Sky Lord (2020)
Katekyo Hitman Reborn (2006)
Belief (2021)
Beyond Evil (2021)
New Horizon (2021)
If Time Flow Back (2020)
Little Counselor (Season 13) (2018)
My Date With A Vampire 2 (2001)
Good Time (2015)
Caged (2011)
Bạch Mã Hoàng Tử (2015)
The Man From Nowhere (2010)