In a world plagued by creatures known as Kaiju, Kafka Hibino aspired to enlist in The Defense Force. He makes a promise to enlist with his childhood friend, Mina Ashiro. Soon, life takes them in separate ways. While employed cleaning up after Kaiju battles, Kafka meets Reno Ichikawa. Reno's determination to join The Defense Force reawakens Kafka's promise to join Mina and protect humanity.
House of Manson (2014)
StoryBots: Answer Time (Season 2) (2023)
陰の実力者になりたくて! 2nd season (2023)
The Lone Ranger (2013)
A very Pink Christmas (2011)
Witch Crazy Flower (2019)
County Line (2019)
Watership Down (2018)
The Negotiator (1998)
Demon Slayer (2019)
Afterimages (The Answer) (2014)
Romeo Must Die (2000)
Diet Of Sex (2014)
Lượt xem: 12 Điểm 8.0Belief (2021)
Lượt xem: 2 Điểm 10.0Crime Scene Investigation Center (2015)
Lượt xem: 3 Điểm 10.0Nine 1/2 Weeks (1986)
Lượt xem: 2 Điểm 8.0Escape from Hell (1980)
Lượt xem: 2 Điểm 8.0One Piece (Luffy) (1999)
Pokemon (1997)
Detective Conan (2005)
Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace (2018)
Red Shoes (2021)
KenIchi: The Mightiest Disciple (2013)
Reborn!, Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!, Home Tutor Hitman Rebo (2006)
Saint Seiya (1986)
The Majesty of Wolf (2020)