Một nhóm bạn mạo hiểm đến khu rừng hẻo lánh ở Texas để dự tiệc vào cuối tuần và thấy mình bị Bigfoot rình rập.
Land Of Spirits: The Blind Shaman (2019)
This Is Me (2015)
Crawlspace (2012)
Respati (2024)
The Invitation (2022)
Bound to Vengeance (2015)
The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster (2023)
Without Remorse (2021)
Thanksgiving (2023)
It Lives Inside (2023)
Hong Kong Ghost Stories (2011)
Stranger Things (Season 3) (2019)
Naruto Shippuuden (2007)
Bound by Sin (2025)
Detective Conan (2005)
Undercover High School (2025)
Black Clover (2017)
Kamen Rider Black Sun (2022)
The legend of Miyue (2016)
The Destiny Of White Snake (2018)
Reacher (Season 3) (2025)
Mirror: Twin Cities (2020)
Creation of the Gods II: Demon Force (2025)
Ashes of Time (2008)
The Accountant (2016)
Summer Palace (2006)
Idiot Girls and School Ghost: School Anniversary (2024)
When the Mist Clears (2022)
404 Run Run (2024)
Jin Pin Mei 2 (1996) (1992)
Her Lower (2018)
Just For Meeting You (2023)