A struggling lawyer, Kenji Sakuragi, takes a position at private school Tatsuyama Gakuen to pay off his debts. Kenji decides to try to turn this hopeless school into one of the elite institutions in Japan to help rejuvenate his career. His barometer of success will be to get five of his students admitted to the prestigious Tokyo University the following year. But rather than cramming them with lots of general information, his down-to-earth class concentrates on unknown techniques for passing the entrance examination and how to live a good life in these turbulent times. His refreshing outlook and strategy may just be what is needed to turn around the future prospects of himself and his students and teach the rest of us a thing or two as well!
The Proposal (2009)
A Royal Date for Christmas (2023)
Peace Maker Kurogane (2003)
Whore (1991)
The Dirt (2019)
Bad Sisters (2022)
Familyhood (2016)
Lady Dynamite (Season 1) (2016)
Rumble (2021)
Trốn thoát khỏi mật thất S3 (2021)
Space Jam (1996)
The Half Of It (2020)
One Piece (Luffy) (1999)
Detective Conan (2005)
Music And Krasue (2022)
The Destiny Of White Snake (2018)
Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace (2018)
Siege in Fog (2018)
Love and Redemption (2020)
KenIchi: The Mightiest Disciple (2013)
Song Of Phoenix (2017)
Shugo Chara! (2007)
Yu Pui Tsuen III (1996)
Paradise (1982)
Her Lower (2018)
Adult Only Institute (2017)
Angel Guts: Red Classroom (1979)
Flossie (1974)
The Legend of the Condor Heroes: The Great Hero (2025)
Salakab (2023)
Takas (2024)
Homejack Quartet (2018)