From the razor sharp teeth of the great white shark, to the lightning fast strike of a black mamba, we explore some of the most dangerous animals known to man. While some use their overwhelming strength to overpower enemies, others use lethal venom. This is the story of attack and defend, predator and prey, and the urge to kill or be killed.
Yellow Door: '90s Lo-fi Film Club (2023)
Untamed Americas (2012)
Youth v Gov (2020)
Traffickers: Inside The Golden Triangle (2021)
I AM A KILLER (Season 4) (2022)
I Am a Killer (Season 5) (2024)
Get Gotti (2023)
If I Were Luísa Sonza (2023)
This Is a Robbery: The World's Biggest Art Heist (2021)
The White Helmets (2016)
The River Runner (2021)
Pretend It’s a City (2021)
Pokemon (1997)
Naruto Shippuuden (2007)
Detective Conan (2005)
One Piece (Luffy) (1999)
Sứ Mạng Thần Chết Ichigo (2004)
All Out of Love (2018)
Kan Cicekleri (2022)
The Great Emperor Ashoka (2015)
GO Into Your Heart (2021)
Katekyo Hitman Reborn (2006)
Hitman 2 (2025)
Swept Away (2002)
If Time Flow Back (2020)
Revelations (2025)
Đoạn Trường Nam Ai (2015)
Belief (2021)
Forbidden Fairytale (2025)
In Youth We Trust (2024)
My Date With A Vampire 2 (2001)
New Horizon (2021)