The story revolves around Yeung Chung-tak, who has dedicated twenty years of his life to the household electronics division of the family business, Yip Fook Trading. Unfortunately, as the business evolves, he realizes that his position as vice-manager is the furthest he can go, as outsiders cannot become part of the family business. Still, Chung-tak is content with his life, as his true focus has always been on his family. Chung-tak's happy marriage to his wife, Wong Oi-lin, is challenged when a switch of apartments and changes in the company bring unexpected crises into their lives. They have two daughters, and together, they strive to overcome the challenges and rescue their peaceful life. The story explores how Chung-tak confronts these trials and their outcome.
Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey! (2009)
Moving Art (Season 3) (2018)
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret (2023)
Reverse (2017)
Perception (2018)
Barbie: Skipper and the Big Babysitting Adventure (2023)
Tad Jones 2: The Hero Returns (2017)
Tom And Jerry Collections (1940) (1940)
Tom and Jerry Tales (Season 1) (2006)
Outrage Beyond (2012)
Xiao Ai (2018)
The Santa Clause (1994)
Naruto Shippuuden (2007)
Game Changer (2021)
Brilliant Heritage (2020)
Dragon Ball (1998)
Shugo Chara! (2007)
Beautiful Reborn Flower (2020)
Katekyo Hitman Reborn (2006)
Inuyasha (2000)
All Out of Love (2018)
Prince of Tennis (2001)
Belief (2021)
Little Counselor (Season 13) (2018)
New Horizon (2021)
My Date With A Vampire 2 (2001)
If Time Flow Back (2020)
끈적하게왕가슴만지기 (2023)
Good Time (2015)
Your Fault (2024)
Please Wait, Brother (2020)
Crime Scene Investigation Center (2015)